Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cute As Cute Can Be.~

So, ended up not going out last night. o.o'
But it felt great staying home to relax for once.<3 :D
I took a nap, exciting, I know. Then woke up while mom went to church. I decided to watch the movie Princess And The Frog. Yes. That seemingly awful new Disney princess flick.
Well, guess what. It was effing adorable.
It's annoying in some parts, but near the end, I wanted to cry. D: And I did a little bit. xD
There's a song, My Evangeline, near the middle of the film that made me think of the certain boy I have the strongest feelings for at the moment.<3 :] And he knows who he is.~
It really was a cute movie. I even watched it again once mom got home. Since I was charging my iPod and thought I'd sit with her while waiting. Then my mom broke out into tears when it was over, telling me how she loves me, and thanks God every day for me. And that she never thought she could love someone as much as she loves me. It shook me up a little, cause I hate seeing my mom cry, so I was like 'Mooooommm...stoppp...' xD
It was a Lifetime movie moment. fersure.

Afterwards, I ran on our tredmil for only half an hour. Did four and a half miles only. Usually I'll do upto 6..but I want to play Animal Crossing: City Folk. o.o
I haven't played in three weeks, and just as I thought, my town of Brookie had weeds, flowers dying, trash, and my character had bedhead. Not fun. D:
So I played for probably an hour, fixing things up and selling items. AND. I got to listen to K.K. Slider play for the first time in the game. >_< I was like EEEEEEEEEEEEEprivateconcertyeeeah.
It was fun.<3
I love that game.
That, Cooking Mama, Super Marios. Bros Wii, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl are my favorite Wii games.<3

After THAT I went to bed. It was 66 degrees in my house. I. Was. Freezing.
Fell asleep to SNL playing in the background on tv. Great sleep. Even though I had like 6 hours, I feel so awake right now. :D
Oh, AND, had amazing oatmeal for breakfast an hour ago. Had cranberries, almonds, and walnuts. :3 Made by meeee.<3
I'm cool, I know it. ;]]
Today is homework day. And chores day. And shopping day.
So..That'll all be exciting, I'm sure. xD
I don't have much to say now, so..until next entry.~

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