Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Been finishing up this movie trailer for Adv. TV Production class. We do one every year, and for the past three, I've only done horror film trailers. This time around, I figured I'd try something different completely.
My idea was to make a generic, genuine, cheesy, Pre-teen girl screaming kind of movie. Like mean girls, or She's All That or something.. Storyboarding it out, here is the summary.
Kelly is a nerd. Amongst all of her three high school years, she has only had time to spend with books, and gave up her social life a long time ago. This year, as a senior, she wants to change all that. Bradley Lawrence. Popular, gorgeous, glowing senior boy. Kelly would give anything for him to notice her. Matthew/Matt. Kelly's best friend since first grade, and secret admirer. Although he is reluctant, he will talk to Brad just because he feels it will help Kelly feel better, and possibly make Brad glance once in awhile. Kelly's idea is to transform herself. Undo her tight ponytail, take off her glasses, apply makeup, pick a preppy outfit. Comes back to school, and Bradley notices her. In the scene, she walks up, audience does not see her face, and she greets the boys, Brad and Matt. Brad: " look.." Matt: "You..look beautiful." end of trailer. Comes on blurred out face of Kelly smiling, and title appears: Metamorphisis. Coming Soon.


So, that's basically it.
The title fits, I believe. And I will put up the trailer once it's online. I'm pretty proud of it. And yes, I play Kelly. :D OF COURSEEE I DO.
I've been busy with that of late.
Piano lessons tonight. Also a GSA meeting/Gay Straight Alliance meeting.
Hopefully today won't be too bad..

Speaking of metamorphisis. I want to transform myself. Always have wanted to.
So..I'll be taking more drastic measures now.. And will be very strict on myself. I really want the body I dream of having.. and now.
Been pretty stressed out too..just wishing winter break was here already.

I don't know what else to I guess I won't say anything else.

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